Lords of the Fallen is the latest Soulslike title from Hexworks and CI games. There are a number of bosses scattered throughout the entire game, with different move sets and skill groups. In addition, they provide some of the game's finest weapons that will take down anyone in a matter of seconds.
This article will feature every boss in order that you will face in Lords of the Fallen.
Lords of the Fallen boss list
Here is the list of every boss in Lords of the Fallen:
1) Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Skyrest Bridge
2) Scourged Sister Delyth
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Pilgrim's Perch
3) Gentle Gaverus, Mistress of Hounds
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Pilgrim's Perch
4) The Congregator of Flesh
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Forsaken Fen
5) Mendacious Visage
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Forsaken Fen
6) The Hushed Saint
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Forsaken Fen
7) Crimson Rector Percival
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Fitzroy's Gorge
8) Ruiner
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Fitzroy's Gorge
9) The Lightreaper
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Fitzroy's Gorge, Defiled Sepulchre, Upper Calrath
10) Infernal Enchantress
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Lower Calrath
11) Spurned Progeny
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Upper Calrath
12) Skinstealer
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Cistern
13) Bringer of Stillness
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Cistern
14) Bringer of Silence
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Cistern
15) Bringer of Nullity
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Cistern
16) Harrower Dervla, the Pledged Knight
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Revelation Depths
17) Kinrangr Guardian Folard
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Fief of the Chill Curse
18) Griefbound Rowena
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Fief of the Chill Curse
19) The Hollow Crow
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Fief of the Chill Curse
20) The Sacred Resonance of Tenacity
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Pilgrim's Perch
21) Abiding Defenders
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Manse of the Hallowed Brothers
22) Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Tower of Penance
23) Tancred, Master of Castigations
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Tower of Penance
24) Reinhold the Immured
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Tower of Penance
25) Abbess Ursula
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters
26) Rapturous Huntress of the Dusk
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters
27) Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: The Empyrean
28) Andreas of Ebb
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Upper Calrath
29) The Iron Wayfarer
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Bramis Castle Gate
30) Damarose the Marked
- Boss Type: Optional
- Location: Bramis Castle
31) The Sundered Monarch
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Bramis Castle
32) Adyr, the Bereft Exile
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Bramis Castle, Rhogar Realm
33) Elianne the Starved
- Boss Type: Main
- Location: Mother's Lull
This concludes the list of every foe players will face in Lords of the Fallen. It is worth noting that no optional bosses need to be fought to complete the game.
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